Facing issues with generator slip ring? Here's what you should know!

Various complex and critical components are present in your electric motor and generator that enables their effective working with their dedicated functions. The combined operation of the individual parts is responsible to produce force for the shaft rotation through the magnetic field and the wire winding’s electric current. When any part or component starts having any issues, this functioning of conversion of electrical energy to mechanical energy is affected.

Regular maintenance can help you avoid various major problems. However, in case any dysfunction is detected, you will need to decide whether to opt for the replacement, repair & rewinding of the motor or generator. 

As a matter of fact, the option of mechanical and electrical repairs and rewinding is economical rather than replacing them. This is more convincing when only a certain component or part needs attention. Though this decision further depends on the type and intensity of the issue that the motor or generator is facing. 

This article explains one such important device - slip rings. It covers the various types of issues that may occur with the slip rings. Also, get the details of the best electrical and/or mechanical repair service providers for the generator slip ring repairs for in-house or on-site services.

The basic function of the slip ring

A slip ring is used to transmit the power, data, or signal from the static position to the rotating position. Where there is a continuous rotation mechanism, the slip ring plays an important role as a precision component to enable the transfer and maintain the continuous electrical circuit. Its other names are the electrical rotary joint, rotating electrical connector, or electrical swivels.

It is used in industrial electromechanical equipment that requires constant electrical contact between the fixed and rotating parts. It also helps to avoid the damage or twisting of wiring that is hanging from movable joints. Further, it helps to simplify the process of transmission through the contact between the parts of the brush block and ring block.

Basically, the sling ring consists of the input and output wires in which one set is connected to the moving part, which in turn is attached to the static part. 

As per the application and usage, multiple rings can be used and they are available in various sizes and designs. A slip ring is made of alloys of materials for hard exterior to avoid its wearing, for example, steel, copper, bronze, and gold. 

The working of generator slip ring 

In an AC generator, a slip ring connects the rotating part to the exterior circuits. In this mechanism between the fixed wires and the moving or rotating parts, the brush allows the conducting of the current and the slip ring transmits the power as an electric joint. 

Being connected to the armature coil’s ends, the slip ring provides the electric contact and enables rotation.

The types of issues with the generator slip rings

  • Speedy rotation or deformation

The speedy rotation causes the electrical arc between the brushes and slip rings when the brushes and the slip rings are not connected properly. The connecting is impacted due to the change in dimensions or shape i.e. deformation of the slip ring. Another situation is when the plastic collector ring shrinks or cracks and becomes loose when compressed by three copper rings. 

When the arcing repeats it leads to overheating, vibration, and increased deformation. Resultantly, this can lead to serious problems for the slip ring, generator, converter, cables, etc.

Similarly, the wearing of carbon brushes can lead to serious circumstances. It can break, collapse or burn and will require to be replaced.

  • Vibration

The severe vibration in the operating environment affects the internal structure. Also, it damages the bearings, and ultimately the slip ring that further breaks the plastic spindle. This is due to any issues in the slip ring, or its assembly combined with the bearing.

  • Load, Short circuit & Voltage imbalance

Overloading, overuse, or long-term usage can cause the burning off or the short circuit of slip rings. Another reason for this could be the inside insulating material issues, broken wire, skipping of wire, or the short circuit on the wire brushing. 

Further, the change in the load or short circuit will lead to the voltage distribution in the carbon brush of the slip ring. This further causes the disturbance in the voltage for the switching part of the equipment.

  • Temperature

The slip ring temperature can also lead to various issues. Due to the friction, the connection between the slip ring and carbon brush may become warm and so it will require cooling fans or air passage to maintain the cooling. 

Also, the airflow control sensors and/or the temperature sensors monitor and ensure the cool air and the temperature respectively. Furthermore, it is necessary to keep the moisture and air penetration in control.

Further, the rotor windings are connected to the external resistor via slip rings, passing through the high voltage. The high voltage results in activation of heat resistors and external flow rising. This uses excessive power and further generates it in the form of heat, resulting in the temperature rise.

  • Required Protection

The slip ring without the required standard protection (IP54) as per the usage environment will lead to various issues. For example, using the unprotected slip ring that is not waterproofed in the water will cause the short circuit and failure. 

  • Interference

The power supply and the signal can be affected due to internal and external interference. This may be caused due to the overloading or excessive signal or power and may require special shielding of signals. If the external shielding fails then the slip rings need to be redesigned or the internal structure needs to be updated as per the requirements. 


Call Best Repair Company, Inc. for reliable generator slip ring repairs and other services

The timely maintenance and actions are essential for increased productivity, avoiding serious damages and major costs. Sometimes, the issue may arise even though regular maintenance is undertaken. In any case, reliable electrical and/or mechanical services and repairs will be the right choice to deal with the faults or issues. 

Best Repair Company, Inc. is a full-service licensed and certified company that offers all types of commercial, industrial & marine services, and repairs since 1958. We provide the best motor repair and generator repair services of all types including slip ring repairs, refurbishments, and new fabrications.

If you face any issues with the slip rings, contact us immediately for excellent motor or generator slip ring repairs, rehab, new installation, or replacement by our experts. Call us on 757-622-4752. You can even call us if you need our emergency services. Visit our website to know more.


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