
Facing issues with generator slip ring? Here's what you should know!

Various complex and critical components are present in your electric motor and generator that enables their effective working with their dedicated functions. The combined operation of the individual parts is responsible to produce force for the shaft rotation through the magnetic field and the wire winding’s electric current. When any part or component starts having any issues, this functioning of conversion of electrical energy to mechanical energy is affected. Regular maintenance can help you avoid various major problems. However, in case any dysfunction is detected, you will need to decide whether to opt for the replacement, repair & rewinding of the motor or generator.  As a matter of fact, the option of mechanical and electrical repairs and rewinding is economical rather than replacing them. This is more convincing when only a certain component or part needs attention. Though this decision further depends on the type and intensity of the issue that the motor or generator is fa

Essential Qualities that every electrical motor repair shop must have

  When devising a strategy for electric motor repair and maintenance , the quality and the capability of the repair shop is often overlooked by the supervisors. However, it is essential to choose an efficient electric motor shop as it will be responsible for the seamless functioning of your electric motor. Considering the degree to which repair shops differ in experience, resources and procedures; it’s a question that should be high on the maintenance assurance list of your company. Professional repair shops meet challenging quality criteria and perhaps are even certified by a well-known institution.

The Pros of Proficient Industrial Generator Maintenance and Repair

Industrial generators are a must for any business in any industry. In the event of a power outage, a generator can make sure there is a seamless transition of supplied power to keep the electricity flowing and the lights on. Think about what would happen if a hospital, a restaurant, a grocery store, or a manufacturing company lost power and had no backup. Hospitals would lose the ability to run monitoring and life-assisting machinery and would not be able to perform (or finish) critical surgeries. Restaurants would have to send all the customers home without charging them for their meals. A grocery store could lose all of its refrigerated inventory. And a manufacturing plant would not be able to keep employees working or meet customer demands.